Hi everyone


Welcome to my blog, I created this blog for a versatile purpose which includes, views sharing, motivation, inspiration, interaction and information. When you are inspired by what you do, work becomes pleasure. In this blog includes chapters from my book "beyond paradise" authored by me "Omabegho Joseph". Go through it and get that motivation that you need, after all you are getting it for free!!, and also remember as you do so, that "what you know is impotent, but what you do with what you know is crucial"..



Wednesday, September 21, 2016

A Former Navy SEAL On Never Quitting (By Andy Stumpf)

Everyone wants to be a Frogman on Friday. One of my favorite quotes from the Teams, because it applies to everyone and every goal. To use SEAL training as an example, 80-85 percent don't see the third day of hell week, let alone the last day of training. It takes a lot of work to even show up for day one, but it doesn't take much to end it. All you have to do is say "I quit", ring the bell in the picture three times, and it's over. There is paperwork later, but in essence, that is the end.
All SEAL training is really about is pushing people to their lowest point, and watching the decisions they make. When you are at your lowest point, tired, hungry, cold...do you give in and take the easy way out? During the most difficult portions of training, the instructors bring the bell with them, to make it that much more enticing and easy to quit. It sits right there, in plain sight, always ready for the next taker. I have noticed that most people focus on the illusion of the shiny object, not the reality of what it takes to achieve it. The amateur can only see the end state. The professional focuses on the fundamentals and incremental progress. If you think the "bell" doesn't exist in your life, your eyes are closed. It is everywhere. The only difference between the BUD/s bell and everywhere else, is that in BUD/s, when you ring it, the outcome is instantaneous. Laziness, procrastination, selfishness, lack of discipline, you fill in the blank...all small rings of the bell. The bell is everywhere, and it is always calling you. Ring it enough times and you will find yourself looking back filled with regret.
Everyone wants to be a Frogman on Friday, but you will never get there if you give in on Tuesday. I know the sound of the bell haunts many men, don't let the decisions you make when things get difficult end up haunting you.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Fear of Making The Wrong Decision

In order to move forward as an eagle Christian, another fear you need to deal with is the fear of making wrong decisions, which is otherwise known as self-doubt. I do not believe it is God’s will for us to doubt ourselves; He wants us to have assurance and confidence.
I once made a decision a handful of people did not like; they did not think I made a good choice. There were also people who liked my decision and believed it was right. But I could not help thinking about the naysayers, and I began to wonder, Did I do the right thing? Maybe I didn’t do the right thing. Then I talked to God about it: “Lord, did I do the right thing?” He affirmed me, saying I had made the right decision.
Just as you may have had to do, I have had to learn not to listen to self-doubt. God still reminds me from time to time to be careful in this area because satan is always attacking us with all kinds of fears and doubts. I have learned to not merely believe my feelings, but instead to check my heart and see what I truly believe God is saying. It is amazing what we will find in our hearts if we simply take the time to listen.
If we question ourselves excessively or carry on internal debates about whether or not we have made good decisions, we can all get lost in self-doubt and quickly become double-minded. James 1:7-8 teaches us that people who are double minded are unstable in all their ways and should not expect to receive anything from God. 
Also, when we are really confused, we become discouraged and depressed. Pretty soon, we find ourselves back in the chicken yard scratching around with the chickens when we should be soaring with the eagles.
Don’t allow yourself to wallow in self-doubt and become double-minded. If you think you have made a mistake, go to God about it. Say, “God, if I made a mistake, I trust you to show me. I want to know if I made a mistake or a bad decision. Please show me if I’m wrong.” Then take some time, get quiet, and see what you sense in your heart. Remember, you will not hear wise direction by listening to your own mind, your emotions, or other people. Listen to your heart!As a Christian, the Spirit of God lives in you – in your heart – and He will lead and guide you.
Don’t assume you are wrong because a handful of people disagree with your decision. If all the devil needs to do to get you off track is find someone to disagree with you, then he is definitely in the driver’s seat where your life is concerned. Make sure you stay focused and single-minded, free from self-doubt as you continue to become an eagle Christian.
I’ve found that doubt often tries to visit me when I am praying. This vague feeling leaves me wondering if God is hearing me and will answer when I should be trusting that He is listening and will respond. Prayer is our greatest privilege and is necessary for God to act on the earth. The bible tells us we have not, because we ask not (see James 4:2), but it also says we must ask in faith with no wavering, hesitating, or doubting (see James 1:6). 
God works through our faith, not our fear. Maintaining an attitude of faith requires conscious effort on our part. We can decide to believe or doubt, the choice is up to us.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Confronting Your Fears

Hey guys, in my next few posts, I want to call your attention to some fears you must deal with in life. If you do not deal with these fears, they can keep you in the chicken yard, but as you confront them and overcome them, you will be well on your way to becoming an eagle.

Lets start with this one:

Fear of not pleasing God

If you want to go higher in God, you must also address the fear that your imperfections will keep you from pleasing God. This is a significant struggle for many people; they suffer terribly with secret worries that they are not pleasing God, they are not doing things enough or they are not doing things correctly. They are afraid God is displeased with them because they don't read the bible enough, they don't pray properly, or they don't have enough faith.
They live in bondage to the fear that nothing they do is ever enough for God. *This is a lie!*

The devil wants us to believe "enough is never enough". He wants us to feel no matter what we do, God will always want something more or something different.

This is very sad, because the truth is that God isn't nearly as hard to please as we think He is! Yes He has high standards and desires excellence in every area, but the truth is that nothing about us surprises Him. He knew what he was getting into when He called us into relationship with Himself. When we make mistakes, He doesn't sit in heaven wringing His hands saying "I am shocked by your behavior, I never expected that!" Psalms 139 tells us plainly that He knows what we are going to do before we do it, so try to keep in mind that God knows all about you and loves you anyway!

Read this next statement closely: *if you could be perfect, you would not need Jesus*. Your willingness to keep pressing towards the mark of perfection is all God requires. If you are really in love with Jesus, your love for Him will keep you pressing towards perfection everyday. But I can almost guarantee you will always fall short in some way everyday.
If you are really a sincere Christian, there is no way you can take a lighthearted "oh well, I don't care" attitude towards your shortcomings. Your love for Jesus will compel you to want to do better everyday. You will get up the next day and try to do better again; maybe you will do better in some area, but you may fail in something else.
The message God is trying to communicate to you through these situations is: "you still need me".

Instead of focusing on your faults, focus on your progress.
Stay focused as you confront and break the fear of not being able to please God. You cannot allow your faults to distract you from going on with Him. He is the only one who can help you overcome your faults and weaknesses; so focus on Him instead of them.
If you are in Christ Jesus, you please Father God completely because He sees who you are in Christ Jesus, not who you are on your own merits. Remember, we are saved by Grace, not by our own works.
Salvation is not the result of anything we could possibly do; it is a gift from God to be received by faith (see Ephesians 2:8-9)

Culled from "Never Give up" by Joyce Meyer.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Beyond Paradise, Chapter 6: Make Things Happen.

One of Newton's laws of motion states that "all objects remain in a state of rest until a force is applied". This may be true also of our aspirations in life, things do not move until we move.
The most constant thing in life is change, we cannot stop the imminence of change but we can decide our response to it. A great future is a result of a good foundation, play today and pay tomorrow or pay today and play tomorrow. There are million dollar ideas around you everyday. Go for them because ideas rule the world. The quality of your idea will determine the quality of your success.
You cannot release your potential for success until you recognize the potential in the things around people and around you. Opportunity eludes people because they look too far for it, as long as we underestimate what we have, we may not take the first step towards getting what we want, (Epicurus once said "do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you have now was among the things only hoped for"). When you develop the attitude of seeing possibilities in everything, you will realize that you may not need all the money in the world to get started on the road to financial success.

Do not look in despair in the face of challenges because your existence is a proof that your destiny is needed, as far as there is still breath in you then there is still hope of a better tomorrow.
There is no limitation in expansion except the one you created for your self. Stewart Johnson ones said that "if you would like to know who is responsible for most of your troubles, take a look at the mirror". Let me give you a little illustration of the difference between a winner and a loser.
Opportunities are usually disguised as problems. The ability to recognize opportunities makes a great difference between a winner and a loser.
When the loser sees a problem, the winner sees an opportunity and a challenge for stepping forward. What loser calls stumbling block is what the winner calls a stepping stone to success.
There is no substitute for hard work in the school of success.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Beyond Paradise, Chapter 5: Work Out That Vision.


1. Diligence:
This is a persistent and hard working effort in doing something, the scripture gave a reference on hard work that whatever you find your hand doing, do it with all thy might, one of my greatest mentors Bishop David Oyedepo once said that hard work does not kill but it purifies, therefore engage diligence in whatever you do.

2. Determination:
Takes you to the place and time of your success, every big success is nothing but a cumulative of small steps taking overtime e.g. Solomon was a determined man and he built a temple for God.

3. Discipline:
The bible says in proverbs 18:9 that (he that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster) take control over your lifestyle, put your body under subjection, limit your self from every obstacle that would hinder you from acquiring your vision. Sometimes to do what is right we have to be steady and give up the things we love the most. Play today and pay tomorrow or pay today and play tomorrow.

4. Courage:
Have faith in yourself, courage is the ability to control fear in the face of hardship and danger, situations will arise when pursuing your vision but refuse to give up to fear, remember that fear is faith's worst enemy.

5. Perseverance:
Charles Spurgeon said that by perseverance the snail reached the ark. Have a continued action and belief on yourself especially during difficulties and setbacks. Always remember that there is dignity in labor.

The price for success is hard work; you can always motivate yourself to work hard by always keeping your dreams before you. Every big success is a cumulative of small steps worked out, consecutively taking over time. There shall be oppositions on your way to success; this is where perseverance comes in. Don't dwell on the pains of oppositions but rather focus on the joy of accomplishment. Remember that the "the opposition you fight today may be your position tomorrow".

Friday, August 10, 2012

Letter to friday...

Dear Friday,

As the world says Thank God it's Friday (TGIF), I'm wondering why it's difficult for me to jump on my feet and scream TGIF!!! I should be happy it's friday, but I can't come to terms with the fact that I have not accomplished much in my career, this week and I'm feeling very grumpy and grouchy with myself. I'm so mad at me. (staring at my image in the mirror) What happened to the plans I made for the week? And the thoughts of taking steps in achieving my career goals?

I had some awesome career plans, to take over the world.

But, that was on sunday. Now, I'm back at the end of another week with no executed career plan and no steps taken. I'm still holding the sheet of paper on which my well designed plan is drawn. The days roll in and will continue to do so. The year is running to an end. How do I make my career and job plans leap out of paper into reality, even as the world turns friday? I need to execute, and execute well. I know I should take solace in the fact that its the weekend and weekend is for fun. But what happens after that? Back to the cycle?

So, here I am burdened by a sense of career guilt.

Yours Sincerely,

Confused TGIF participator.

Dear Confused Participator,

I'm yet to fully understand your obsession with me and the way the world celebrates me.

Your career plan is still intact, isn't it? Let's see, you did not break down your career goal for the week into small practicable steps. How did you expect to take over the entire world in one week? You take it over one career step at a time.

Break down your Career plan into small bits.
Have a chart you can use to mark each step you take.
Take stock of what you have achieved daily.
Don't beat yourself up. Just do it. 
Then take stock at the end of the week.
Be productive during weekends. Don't wait till a new week begins.
Remember, you can't build a reputation on what you are going to do.
So, I hope you'll quit being obsessed with me. Let me enjoy being celebrated.

Yours Sincerely,


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