Hi everyone


Welcome to my blog, I created this blog for a versatile purpose which includes, views sharing, motivation, inspiration, interaction and information. When you are inspired by what you do, work becomes pleasure. In this blog includes chapters from my book "beyond paradise" authored by me "Omabegho Joseph". Go through it and get that motivation that you need, after all you are getting it for free!!, and also remember as you do so, that "what you know is impotent, but what you do with what you know is crucial"..



Friday, June 21, 2013

Beyond Paradise, Chapter 6: Make Things Happen.

One of Newton's laws of motion states that "all objects remain in a state of rest until a force is applied". This may be true also of our aspirations in life, things do not move until we move.
The most constant thing in life is change, we cannot stop the imminence of change but we can decide our response to it. A great future is a result of a good foundation, play today and pay tomorrow or pay today and play tomorrow. There are million dollar ideas around you everyday. Go for them because ideas rule the world. The quality of your idea will determine the quality of your success.
You cannot release your potential for success until you recognize the potential in the things around people and around you. Opportunity eludes people because they look too far for it, as long as we underestimate what we have, we may not take the first step towards getting what we want, (Epicurus once said "do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you have now was among the things only hoped for"). When you develop the attitude of seeing possibilities in everything, you will realize that you may not need all the money in the world to get started on the road to financial success.

Do not look in despair in the face of challenges because your existence is a proof that your destiny is needed, as far as there is still breath in you then there is still hope of a better tomorrow.
There is no limitation in expansion except the one you created for your self. Stewart Johnson ones said that "if you would like to know who is responsible for most of your troubles, take a look at the mirror". Let me give you a little illustration of the difference between a winner and a loser.
Opportunities are usually disguised as problems. The ability to recognize opportunities makes a great difference between a winner and a loser.
When the loser sees a problem, the winner sees an opportunity and a challenge for stepping forward. What loser calls stumbling block is what the winner calls a stepping stone to success.
There is no substitute for hard work in the school of success.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Beyond Paradise, Chapter 5: Work Out That Vision.


1. Diligence:
This is a persistent and hard working effort in doing something, the scripture gave a reference on hard work that whatever you find your hand doing, do it with all thy might, one of my greatest mentors Bishop David Oyedepo once said that hard work does not kill but it purifies, therefore engage diligence in whatever you do.

2. Determination:
Takes you to the place and time of your success, every big success is nothing but a cumulative of small steps taking overtime e.g. Solomon was a determined man and he built a temple for God.

3. Discipline:
The bible says in proverbs 18:9 that (he that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster) take control over your lifestyle, put your body under subjection, limit your self from every obstacle that would hinder you from acquiring your vision. Sometimes to do what is right we have to be steady and give up the things we love the most. Play today and pay tomorrow or pay today and play tomorrow.

4. Courage:
Have faith in yourself, courage is the ability to control fear in the face of hardship and danger, situations will arise when pursuing your vision but refuse to give up to fear, remember that fear is faith's worst enemy.

5. Perseverance:
Charles Spurgeon said that by perseverance the snail reached the ark. Have a continued action and belief on yourself especially during difficulties and setbacks. Always remember that there is dignity in labor.

The price for success is hard work; you can always motivate yourself to work hard by always keeping your dreams before you. Every big success is a cumulative of small steps worked out, consecutively taking over time. There shall be oppositions on your way to success; this is where perseverance comes in. Don't dwell on the pains of oppositions but rather focus on the joy of accomplishment. Remember that the "the opposition you fight today may be your position tomorrow".