Hi everyone


Welcome to my blog, I created this blog for a versatile purpose which includes, views sharing, motivation, inspiration, interaction and information. When you are inspired by what you do, work becomes pleasure. In this blog includes chapters from my book "beyond paradise" authored by me "Omabegho Joseph". Go through it and get that motivation that you need, after all you are getting it for free!!, and also remember as you do so, that "what you know is impotent, but what you do with what you know is crucial"..



Omabegho's brief to you

This book was provoked by limitations, setbacks, unwanted failures in various areas of our lives, low self esteem, minded poverty and the list goes on... Your existence has a purpose that must be seen fulfilled. I hope as you read through, you'll be able to differentiate the facts from the truth and put an end to whatever crisis and challenge you are putting up with, do bare in mind that your mind is your greatest asset, feed it and invest in it with positive things, then you'll be eligible to experience positive things, feed it with negative things, then your life becomes chaotic.

Maximise this opportunity and make your life project paradise.
Stay positive.....